Version: 08-06-2020.
Many countries have introduced VAT / Sales tax measures to help companies through the coronacrisis. Below a short breakdown. Please always check if the measures do apply to your company. Please contact VAT INSTITUTE for further information: info@vatinstitute.com

EU: delay on introducing e-commerce VAT package till 01-07-2021.

Australia speedy credits on Goods & Services liabilities.

Austria VAT payment and penalty deferment application scheme for businesses directly affected by the Covid-19 outbreak.

Belgium Standard VAT filings and payment delays of 2 months for March 2020 and 1st quarter 2020 returns. Longer delays possible when proof is provided of financial problems due to Corona-crises. 

Quick VAT refund February 2020 until 3 April 2020 for monthly VAT returns when electronically requested.  

Bulgaria no relief on VAT filings deadlines.

Canada Manitoba and British Columbia offer delays on their provincial Sales Taxes.  (GST) returns and payments are postponed for March, April and May until 30 June 2020 for monthly filers. Q1 quarterly GST payers must file and pay by 30 June.

Croatia 3-month VAT payment deferment and long-term repayment schedule for companies that are not able to pay their VAT due to coronacrisis. Only companies with a turnover lower then HRK 7.5 million in 2019 can apply.

Cyprus many businesses will be offered payment holidays. No penalties or overdue interest on the returns for February, March and April 2020. The returns must still be filed on time. Some industries are excluded from these measures.

VAT rate cut on accommodation and hospitality from 9% to 5%.

Czech Republic limited VAT measures for businesses.

VAT rate cut for accommodation and entrance to cultural events from 15% to 10%.

Denmark delays on VAT for small and large businesses. 1st and 2nd quarter 2020 can be presented in one VAT return.

Companies with turnover less then DKK 50m can claim back the VAT paid for 2019. The amount has to be paid again to the tax office, without any interest, before April 2021.

Estonia VAT payment holiday until 1 May 2020.

Finland interest reduction for late VAT payment from 7% to 4% till 31st August 2020.

France postponed deadline for putting in VAT refund claims for non-EU companies from 30th of June till 30 of September 2020.

Germany businesses may apply for VAT payment postponement for 3 months. Advance payment 2020 can be reclaimed.

VAT rate cut of the standard rate from 19% to 16%, the reduced rate from 7% to 5%, for the period 1st of July till 31th of December 2020.

Delay payment import VAT from the 16th of the following month till 26th of the following month.

Greece companies financially suffering from the Corona crises can apply for payment delay till September 2020.

VAT rate cut for public transport, coffee and non-alcoholic beverages from 24% to 13% for sales between 1st of June and 31st of October 2020.

Hungary businesses may apply for vat payment deferrals. There is a HUF 10,000 administrative fee.

Hungary launched a retail turnover tax up to 2,5% as a Corona measure, which will also apply to non-resident e-commerce sellers with Hungarian consumer clients.

The implementation date was 1st of May 2020. It is intended to be a temporary tax but no end date is set.

Italy VAT payment delay for March, April and May 2020 extended till 16th of September 2020 for smaller enterprises (other companies have a delay till 30th of June 2020). Measures are now also applicable to non-resident companies.

The planned VAT rise to 25% on the 1st of January 2021 has been abandoned.

Ireland no interest and penalties on unpaid VAT remittances from small and mid-sized businesses (lower 3 million euro turnover) for June and July 2020. Returns must still be filed on time.

Latvia tax payment delays and speedy VAT credit refunds.

Lithuania VAT payers can defer returns up to one year. There will be no charges for late payments or interest on outstanding VAT. Complete write-off of outstanding VAT in the case of extreme cashflow difficulties.

Luxemburg suspension of penalties for late VAT returns has been ended.

Malta VAT payment holidays possible for periods up to June 2020. Payments for these holiday periods should be at the tax office by 31st October 2021.

Netherlands taxpayers in difficulties because of the current crisis may apply for a 3-month or longer VAT payment holiday. In case of VAT debts over €20.000 declaration from external expert necessary about negative consequences Corona on turnover to apply for extension delay (rules are applicable at least until 30-09-2020 (extended from 19-06-2020).

Temporary decrease of tax interest to 0.01%.

Payment extension for customs and excise duties until the fifteenth day following the month in which the coronacrisis measures end. No penalties will be imposed when companies are unable to meet their customs obligations on time due to the coronacrisis.

Norway date payment T1 VAT return has been extended for all companies from 14.03.2020 to 10.06.2020. Submission date for VAT return is still 10.04.2020.

Poland VAT payment delay with no interest charges for companies effected by coronacrisis. Delay of extension of SAF-T VAT reporting domestic supplies of goods contributing to the combating of the coronavirus and saving human lives temporarily VAT zero rated from 1 February till end of August 2020.

Portugal VAT payment delays as follows:

March 2020: delay till 25-05-2020
April 2020: delay till 25-06-2020
Q1 2020: delay till 25-06-2020
2019 year: delay till 07-08-2020

Romania accelerated VAT credits payments.

Saudi Arabia VAT payments delay possible by three months.

Slovakia VAT filing delays possible.

Slovenia all  VAT Corona measures have been ended as from 31-05-2020.

Spain all VAT Corona measures will be withdrawn as from 01-06-2020.

Sweden late penalty and interest fine easements on VAT payments for up to one year.

Switzerland possibility to apply for VAT and customs payment holiday until the end of 2020. VAT filing within normal deadlines.

UK deferment VAT payments until 30th June 2020. Deferred VAT is due by 31 March 2021. Returns must still be filed. Foreign businesses also entitled to payment holiday, but MOSS VAT excluded.

The United Arab Emirates permits late VAT payment and filing for periods including March 2020 for businesses experiencing severe financial problems due to the Corona-crises. The deadline is delayd from 28th of April 2020 to May 28th 2020


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